Watch this intro video we created using AI Avatars. Here's the video that shows what goes into good on-page optimization. This article is from a business partner we team up...
Thanks for expressing your interest in providing a guest blog We do accept guest blogs, no charge (nor do we pay for guest blogs), as long as you go by...
As a Columbus website design firm, when we put website proposals together we refer to a lot of SEO terms, such as "alternate text fields." We like to illustrate those...
SEO vs. PPC SEO vs. PPC is a decision that should be familiar to any marketing professional with experience working on growing businesses with limited budgets. Ideally, you’d use them...
Blogging is sharing your knowledge about your industry
Whenever we work on a website, we tell our clients the importance of blogging on a regular basis. Because we stress how important it is, we can sometimes sense the...
There's a metric in Google Analytics we were occasionally asked about, which is the “bounce rate” on a website. First, the quick facts: No website has a 0% bounce rate,...
This is something we write about a lot, and we acknowledge it can be confusing, because there are times you see the SEO and SEM acronyms used interchangeably. To try...
How to write better Meta Descriptions for better SEO.
Like most Columbus website design firms, we adhere to the "Gospel of Google." So when they make recommendations about Meta Descriptions and how they help with SEO, we listen. When...
Why you should care about making better infographics. Better infographics better explain concepts and content. And professional infographics also show your organization is more professional. And they have been gaining...
No website is too small for SEO and Content Marketing
As a Columbus website design firm, we occasionally design websites for start up businesses, and obviously, these websites are the first sites they've ever had. For these entrepreneurs, it seems...