We designed a medical website for Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ethan Kellum. As an orthopedic surgeon in Nashville Tennessee, he offers holistic orthopedic options, specializing in Stem Cell and Platelet Rich therapies.

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We have expertise with medical websites.

Just like doctors have specialties, so do Columbus web design companies. If you’re looking for a plastic surgery or medical website, consider working with a web design company with experience in your industry. See our websites for plastic surgeons and other medical specialties here.

Incorporating motion in the Nashville Regenerative website.

We’ve been incorporating more motion in our websites, including images that change when a cursor is rolled over them. For example, in the two images below, the one on the left shows an image link in what’s called the “inactive state” (before a cursor is rolled over it). The image on the right shows what the “active state” looks like, when a cursor is rolled over it.

There’s other movement we’ve incorporated into this medical website as well, which you can see by visiting the Nashville Regenerative website here.

Woman in gym in black tank top lifting weights
Man and woman talking on treadmills
Close up of bandage being applied by a woman for Plastic Surgeon website