Risque Home Builder Ads Intended to Get Attention
Home Builder ads that take a risk.
When designing home builder ads, we don’t use images of homes as the main visual for home builders. Why? Because every other home builder does that in their ads.
Think about when you’re scanning a magazine or newspaper. Unless you see a visual that is different and stands out, you probably won’t stop and spend a few seconds with an ad.
So really, you only have 2 – 3 seconds to get someone’s attention. Because if you don’t get it in that time span, there’s a pretty good chance you won’t get their attention at all. (Remember that saying about not getting a second chance to make first impressions?)
Are home builder ads like this taking too much of a risk?
We don’t think so. Quite the opposite actually.
We think not taking a risk by doing something different with your marketing is more of a risk. And you don’t want to risk your advertising budget, or your audience’s time. Because without taking a risk of doing something different, your marketing won’t get noticed.
How to develop visuals that aren’t always focused on the home.
The process is relatively simple. We try to find something in the homes that reflects what’s unique about them. In this instance, it was the fact the home styles were Italianate Villas.
Once you take what the home builder focused on architecturally, that what’s the ads should focus on, Of course, that still eaves the visuals wide open, but with a little imagination, a series can be built on Italian marble statues, like these:
Of course, the home builder ads don’t have to be just built around sculptures!