It’s always nice when someone calls you because they saw your work, and admired it enough to pick up the phone and call. That was the case with the fine folks at Athenix Body Sculpting Institute in Irvine, California.

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Athenix Plastic Surgery has 5 locations.

They have 5 locations, four in California and one in Seattle, and are one of the leading plastic surgeon practices in California.

And it’s understandable, because they’re definitely one of the smartest marketers we’ve had the pleasure of working with. They’re serious marketers, both online and with electronic media. We’ve even learned something new about how people shop for cosmetic surgery working with them. And for that, we thank them.

Two sections we’re proud of in the Athenix website.

In addition to a beautiful design, there’s an extensive photo gallery, and one of the best testimonial sections (called “Patient Stories”) we’ve done. That’s because there’s photos of their clients for each one. There’s also a detailed story behind each patient, which is a little unusual for plastic surgeon websites.

Woman looking out a window in the morning holding a cup of coffee for a for Plastic Surgeon website
Close up of man and women's legs on a beach on a Plastic Surgeon website
Woman wearing black bikini on beach with white shirt for Plastic Surgeon website