bounce rate for website represented by bouncing balls

The bounce rate for your website reflects how quickly someone comes to your website, then leaves on the same page without clicking anything. You might not think it's something to deal with, but you'd be wrong.

The reason you'd want to do something about it, is because bounce rates are most likely one of the hundreds of ranking factors for Google.

What's the first thing to do to reduce a bounce rate?

The best thing to do to reduce your website's bounce rate, is to make sure the content on your page is of interest to your prospects. The best way to make sure it's truly helpful information, is not to make the content about you, but about how what you do makes their lives better.

But sometimes, no matter how good your content is, there's going to be websites that direct people to your site. The problem with some of those referring websites, is that 1005 of the folks coming to your site from theirs, always come and leave on the same page. The reflect a 100% bounced rate in your Google Analytics. And that's not a good thing.

But first, you need to know what a good bounce rate is.

The average bounce rate is between 40% - 50%. No website is in the 20% range, so there's no way to ever get to that level.

Even if you have a 55%-60% rate, there's no real reason to worry. When your site's bounce rate goes up to a 65% and above, then you might want to put some time and attention into bringing it down.

Google Analytics shows referring websites with a 100% bounce rate.

Login to your Google Analytics and look at the Acquisition section. That shows how people get to your website, whether it's:

  • "Direct" (shows who comes to your site without a traceable source, such as typing your URL or using a bookmark on their browser. )
  • From "Google/organic" (shows when someone searches Google, your site shows up, and they click that link)
  • "Google/cpc" (shows who comes to your website by clicking on your Google ads), and
  • Websites you've probably not heard of, like baidu or sogou (see inside the red box in the screenshot below).

screen shot of google analytics bounce rateThe websites that have a 100% bounce rate bring up your average bounce rate. When you see that, you want to take steps to remove the websites that are raising your rate.

How do you get those websites to stop showing up in your Google Analytics?

Since you can't stop them from directing traffic to your site, you want to remove them from showing up in your analytics at all, and raising your rates. By doing that, you can lower your bounce rate so Google doesn't ping you for having a high one.

To remove a referring website from your analytics, disavow it.

John Mueller, one of Google's top experts, talks about filing a link to disavow a referring site, and if it says anything a negative about your website. Does disavowing a website send a signal that website is a dubious site? Does it really matter? It shouldn't matter to you, but disavowing a website doesn't affect the credibility of the website in question.

See how to disavow links within Google Analytics here.

Once you do that, those websites shouldn't show up in your analytics anymore, raising your bounce rate.