Blogging is sharing your knowledge about your industry

Whenever we work on a website, we tell our clients the importance of blogging on a regular basis. Because we stress how important it is, we can sometimes sense the worry about the responsibility of blogging. And not just blogging, but blogging correctly with keywords.

Being a Columbus website design firm, we’ll show you the elements that need to be considered when writing blogs. Elements like:

Watch this video we created that shows what goes into good on-page SEO when blogging.

You obviously know a lot about your business. You know what your customers’ hot buttons are. You know how what you do helps them. You know how the little things you do make their lives easier and better. And there’s dozens of things you do every month that can become a subject for your blog.

But what if you run out of ideas?

If you think you’re going to run out of ideas for what to write about, do what we do: subscribe to blogs within your industry, that are written by people smarter than you (assuming there’s people smarter than you!) That’s certainly the case with us! When you see what people you admire are writing about, you’ll have a constant flow of inspiration for your blogs.

Talk about projects or procedures you’ve done.

When you call them “case studies,” they’re the best way to show off the work you do. Talk about how you:

  • Solved a problem for someone,
  • Made someone’s life easier,
  • Made someone look better in the eyes of their bosses.
  • Or clients.
  • Or friends.
  • Or family.

Will you ever you’ll look forward to blogging?

Woman bored blogging at computer

Maybe not. But the fact is, you, as the owner of your business, don’t have  to be the only one to write the blogs. Your sales team can share in the writing. Or someone in the “back end” of your company who might not have regular contact with customers, but who has practical knowledge that would be of interest to your prospects and customers.

You could also hire a writer with some experience in your industry to write for you. That person can sit in on your staff meetings to learn what’s happening in your business. They can also subscribe to blogs in your industry to help with the subject matter.

And one day, your website might show up ahead of your competitors.

And eventually, when done correctly, your website will eventually rank better than your competitors’ websites. And when that day comes, when you see the results of regular blogging, your enthusiasm for blogging will really start to take off.

When you see how all your hard work reflects in Google’s search results, you’ll see the connection. And when new customers find you online, instead of you finding them, THEN your enthusiasm for blogging will truly come through.

Yes, it takes time. Time to write blogs, and time for your blogging to show results. And speaking from personal experience, we know it works.

The best thing for your website?

Blogging, and helping prospects find us, has cut down on the time we have to spend networking in the evenings. And that lets us spend more time with our friend and family. That is one big benefit for blogging for us.

Plus, it helps us learn new things every time we write. The process of researching and writing blogs helps make us more knowledgeable. And that’s a nice benefit, too!