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  • Columbus web design firm's image of 7-minute blog length info graphic

    Just how long should your blog post be?

    Part 2 of 3 part series about writing good blogs: In the first part of this 3-part series about writing good blog posts, we touched on headlines and how people scan them, and about using personal stories in your posts to get more interest. Note: several people in some respected companies have researched this stuff in depth, so this isn't just guesswork. In this blog post we cover: how long shoul...

  • rolled up newspaper showing funny ad for car dealer

    6 ways to blog for people who don't have time to read blogs

    We remember an ad for a strip club that stated "20 Gorgeous Strippers, and 1 Butt Ugly One." It caught our attention, and we didn't even know they used 2 of the 10 key elements used in the psychology of headline writing: numbers and surprise. Just like the ad for a car dealer above. As a Columbus web design firm, we know we're all members of the Short Attention Span Society. With all the things w...

  • close up of computer key with image of shopping cart and letters SEO on key

    Should I Even Bother With SEO For My Ecommerce Store?

    Guest post by Jessica Kane, a freelance writer based in Los Angeles, CA. As the Ecommerce marketplace becomes more competitive, so too does the marketing and advertising required to entice customers to shop at a particular e-store. At the same time, continually changing browser algorithms are making it harder to design effective marketing campaigns based on search engine optimization (SEO). So wh...
